Project 10 : Star Wars: Multimodal App
Learn more about star wars characters
Introduction: Business Problem
Description: I recently started watching star wars tv shows. Star wars is one of the most popular franchises in the world.With that in mind the bariar of entry can be high. I want to create an app that can predict a star wars character through a computer vision model, extract a summary about that charater and generate a quiz relevent to the character.
Data: The data is from kaggle mathurinache/star-wars-images.
1. Star Wars: Computer vision model
- Setup
- Basic Model
- More Advanced model: Data Augmentation
- Model Intepritation
- Predictions
- Use bigger model
- Final model
- Export model
- Save model to google drive
- Summary of Star Wars Characters
2. Quiz about Star Wars Character
3. Host Application
- Streamlit + Tunneling: tutorial
- App setup
- Hugging face Spaces + Streamlit